Security groups are like firewall rules for the AWS cloud. For help with configuring your security groups, please consult the AWS guide found at


All rules are inbound; “Outbound” should be open globally to all traffic (default in AWS).

The following table lists the ports and protocols that you might need to open on your WANrockIT Node’s security group, and a description of what each is used for.

Protocol/PortDescriptionRecommended Source
TCP 22SSH, used for accessing the Command Line Interface (CLI)“My IP”
TCP 80HTTP, used for accessing the Web Interface unencrypted“My IP”
TCP 443HTTPS, used for accessing the Web Interface encrypted“My IP”
TCP 16665WANrockIT main transfer portWAN interface IP of connected Node
UDP 4500IPsec, used for encrypting WANrockIT trafficWAN interface IP of connected Node
UDP 500IPsec, used for encrypting WANrockIT trafficWAN interface IP of connected Node
ESPIPsec, used for encrypting WANrockIT trafficWAN interface IP of connected Node

The last column in the “Add  Rule” dialog is the “Source”. This decides the range of IPs, or security group, from which the “Port Range” for each rule is accessible. This is done in CIDR notation, in the form “x.x.x.x/xx”, or by security group ID, in the form “sg-xxxxxxxx”. Multiple sources can be specified for a rule using comma separation.

The source can be left as “Anywhere”, although it is highly recommended to set the source to a limited IP address range or specific security group.

  • TCP Ports 80, 443 and 22 should be set to use the source IP address of the network(s) from which you wish to manage your Node. An easy method of doing this is to select “My IP” from the drop-down.
  • TCP Port 16665, UDP Port 4500, UDP port 500 and ESP should be set to use the IP address of your on-premise/CSP Node. For example, if your local network has a single static IP address of then you should set the source IP address to be If your Nodes are connected over a VPN, the IP address of your on-premise/CSP WAN port should be used instead.


The following ports are used by your AWS WANrockIT Node to communicate with iSCSI/FTP hosts and targets within the same local network.

If your Node has been added to the security group used by your hosts and targets, they should already be able to communicate, and no further rules need to be added. If not, some of the following rules should be added to the Node’s security group, depending on the protocols you are using.

Protocol/PortDescriptionRecommended Source
All TCPFTP command & data transferFTP server security group
TCP 3260Port used for iSCSI trafficiSCSI initiator/target security group
TCP 860Alternate port used for iSCSI trafficiSCSI initiator/target security group

Depending your client/server setup, FTP may use a wide range of ports. If you don’t know what these are, it’s best to allow all TCP ports.

The port numbers for iSCSI will be different if using custom ports on your Node/host.

These ports will also have to be added to firewall rules on your hosts. For example if using an FTP server on a Windows 2012 server instance, the firewall rule allowing TCP port 21, plus the range used for data transfer, will have to be added to the list of custom “Inbound Rules”. For a detailed article on how to set up firewall rules on a Windows server please see the following Microsoft support article:


The following screenshot shows an example security group for a Node which is connected to iSCSI targets belonging to the security group “sg-82fe2735″. The WAN link is established using public IP addresses, and IPsec is enabled. The Node is being administered from the same network as the on-prem Node is located (


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